5 Plant-Based Kitchen Swaps

5 Plant-Based Kitchen Swaps

I aim to make plant-based not just a “diet” but a complete lifestyle. Here are 5 plant-based kitchen lifestyle swaps that you can incorporate into your current life.

These 5 plant-based kitchen swaps are ways that you can cut back on waste while adhering to your plant-based way of life. Who said plant-based cannot extend outside of cooking?

Each of these swaps are healthy not only for the environment but also for you. Now let us get into these five plant-based kitchen swaps.

1. Swap paper towels for kitchen towels.

Instead of grabbing a paper towel to clean up a water spill, reach for a kitchen towel instead. You can use kitchen towels not only to clean spills but to dry dishes, dry your hands, or cover food items. Then you can throw the dirty kitchen towels every week in the wash and save on your paper towel bill.

2. Swap plastic water bottles for a reusable water bottle.

Individual use water bottles are great up to the point when you realize that you trash is filling up with empty plastic water bottles.

I will always recommend recycling your empty plastic water bottles when you can, but to be honest that cannot always happen. Then that is where a reuseable water bottle comes in handy. There are so many reuseable water bottles out there that can also double as a thermos, which is very convenient and sustainable.  

3. Swap plastic bags for reusable shopping totes

Instead of taking home plastic bags after each shopping trips, place your groceries into a reusable shopping tote after checkout. Plastic bags are not only severely damaging the environment, but they are damaging the animals that live in them.

A useful tip is to always keep a few shopping totes in your car for convenience, so you always have a few on hand for you next trip to the grocery store.


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    4. Swap plastic food storage bags for glass food storage jars

    Glass food storage jars can last you forever (unless it breaks 😊) and keeps your food such as grains, rice, flours, nuts, seeds, and legumes airtight and fresher longer. Plus, glass looks better visually in the pantry than plastic bags and you can see clearly how much food you have and what is in which jar.

    5. Swap plastic single-use utensils for stainless-steel utensils

    Stainless-steel utensils are reuseable and can last you a lifetime. Not only are stainless-steel utensils more eco-friendly than single-use utensils but are healthier for your body than eating your food using plastic. The health implications that can occur from eating hot food with plastic utensils are not healthy for the body.

    Now that you have found 5 plant-based kitchen swaps it is time to take action and implement. Don`t forget to recycle and reuse your plastic items as necessary.

    Check out my out plant-based LIFESTYLE posts for even more ways you can incorporate plant-based practices into your lifestyle.

    Here are three posts to get you inspired to make plant-based lifestyle changes:

    Until the next post, keep growing. If you like reading posts like this, then subscribe to my newsletter and share this post with an eco-friendly friend. Remember, if we all do our part to cut back on unnecessary waste, the large the impact.

    I am cheering you on while you build your plant-based kitchen.


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