Brown Bags are essential in my kitchen. I usually buy a bag with 100 brown bags from Walmart for under $4 dollars, which is pretty economical for me. There are so many uses for the humble brown bag. I will be sharing with you a few of the sustainable and eco-friendly ways I use brown bags in my kitchen.
Paper Towel Substitute when Frying
I posted to my stories that I use brown bags as a substitute for paper towels when frying. You can still find that story here on my highlights under “greener tips”. I personally find that brown bags absorb the excess oil better than paper towels while I fry cauliflower or plantains. Whenever I make fried foods I use an open, flattened brown bag instead of paper towels.
A little health fact on paper towels. Paper towels contain bleach, chemicals, and not mention dyes on paper towels with designs. When in contact with your food these chemicals and dyes transfer, especially when that food is hot. Therefore using brown bags is more sustainable, eco-friendly, and more friendly to our health and wallet.
Container Bags
Brown bags also come in handy as “container bags” for snacks and food. I have used brown bags instead of plastic containers for popcorn, baked goods, or even sandwiches. Brown bags as “container bags” are great for on-the-go food and are less clunkier than plastic containers.
Drying Herbs
Right now there are about 10 brown bags filled with dried herbs. In my household, we use brown bags to store drying herbs. Brown bags are great for storing drying herbs while they complete the drying process because they are breathable, which allows the herbs the dry properly while giving the herbs some coverage.
Our brown bags are filled with several types of mint that my mom harvested from her outdoor garden. In addition, there are also a few healthy sprigs of rosemary. What is your favorite type of mint? Let me know in the comments. I prefer the strong and minty taste and smell of peppermint. In addition to the chocolate mint, which has a sweeter taste and smell.
Now it is time for me to learn from you. What do you use brown bags for in your household? Maybe it is not just limited to food or in the kitchen. Whatever it is I would love to know. Drop your answer in the comments below.
Thank you so much for being here and reading this post. You are sincerely appreciated. Until next time, keep growing.
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