Chickpea Tofu (Burmese Tofu)

Chickpea Tofu (Burmese Tofu)

Looking for a tofu alternative? Do have some chickpea flour in the back of your pantry that you have no idea what to do with it? Look no farther you have found it. Try this easy, simple, and delicious chickpea tofu. Made from… you guessed right, chickpea flour.

Burmese tofu itself is actually from Shan origin. This recipes uses chickpea flour, as know as gram or besan flour. This flour is essentially made from chickpeas that are ground into a fine powder or flour.

Chickpea flour is protein-packed as it made from chickpeas, which as you might already know is very high in protein.

soybeans in sack

As you already may know from looking through my recipes, there is no soy or tofu recipes. I personally do not consume soy. This recipe is perfect for people who, do not consume soy, are not big fans of tofu, or are just exploring a plant-based lifestyle and who would like to give this recipe a try. You do not have to be plant-based to try this recipe. This is one thing that I love about creating and sharing recipes, you do not have to live a plant-based lifestyle to try out these recipes. Whatever the reason for trying this recipe, I hope that you enjoy this recipe and have fun.

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    small cubes of chickpea tofu on a wooden cutting board with a big block of tofu, green leave, and a kitchen knife in the background.

    Chickpea Tofu (Burmese Tofu)

    Kiara | My Plant Base Plate
    Cooked chickpea flour makes this easy tofu alternative. You can play around with the water amount for a firmer or softer texture.
    Prep Time 5 minutes
    Cook Time 20 minutes
    Cooling Time 2 hours
    Total Time 2 hours 25 minutes
    Course lunch, Main Course, Side Dish
    Cuisine Burmese, Shan Origin


    • 4 cups Water
    • 2 tsp Sea Salt
    • 1 Tbsp Coconut Oil
    • ½ tsp turmeric powder
    • 2 cups Chickpea Flour in 1 ½ cups of water


    • In a bowl, sift 2 cups of Chickpea flour to remove clumps.
    • Add in 1 ½ cups of water and whisk together until smooth.
    • In a pot bring to boil, 4 cups of water, 2 tsp of sea salt, ½ tsp of turmeric powder, and 1 Tbsp of coconut oil.
    • Add in chickpea flour and water mixture you did in step 1 and whisk until combined and smooth.
    • Cook for 20 minutes on low. (remember this is raw chickpea flour).
    • Grease a glass container with coconut oil and pour in cooked chickpea flour mixture.
    • Let cool for 2 hours.
    • Remove container and pre-cut if desired. Store in fridge.
    Keyword besan flour, burmese tofu, chickpea flour, chickpea tofu, chickpeas, recipes,, shan tofu, tofu alternative

    The possibilities for this recipe are endless. You can use this chickpea tofu as you would with regular tofu if you ask me. I know that I have been looking at some recipes that uses soy tofu and I am substituting with this for sure.

    After you let the chickpea mixture cool you can pre-cut and store in the fridge or you can store the whole un-cut block in the fridge and take out and cut as needed. I have not freeze the chickpea tofu because it goes so fast. Actually within the week I make it it`s gone so I do not have any to store in the freezer. If you have tried freezing this chickpea tofu, let me know in the comments how that works out.

    Tried this recipe? Let me know what you think by giving this recipe a rating below in the comments. I sincerely appreciate your feedback.

    Thank you so much for being here and reading this post. Until next time, keep growing. Let`s grow together.

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      Prince Anbassa from South Africa made this delicious meal using this recipe. Give thanks for sending these pictures though. Thank you for trying this recipe.