Lime Water Fruit Wash

Lime Water Fruit Wash

Try this natural antibacterial Lime Water Fruit Wash the next time you have fruits or vegetables to wash.

Blueberries are in season here in Kentucky and I have pails of fresh local blueberries from a local farm. Yes, I hand-picked blueberries, which is a great experience that I would encourage anyone to try. These blueberries need to wash, so let us make an easy Lime Water Fruit Wash.

local kentucky blueberries

Limes have antibacterial properties, which is great for washing fruits. Fruits are meant to be eaten as is, so we do not what to ingest anything “extra”. I use this Lime Water fruit to wash ALL my fruits.

The skin of fruits can be covered with germs, pathogens, or “food grade” wax, which you DO NOT want to be eating. The antibacterial properties of lime in this fruit wash cuts though these germs.

You can use this lime water fruit wash on any fruit or vegetable.






Basically, any fruit that I would be eating whole and as is I would use lime water to wash them.

blueberries soaking in a lime water fruit wash

My preferred lime of choice will always be key limes. You can substitute for a lemon if you do not have key limes on hand.

Helpful Tip: Gently roll your key lime on the counter to soften the lime. This makes the lime easier to squeeze and get out all the juice.

Here are the instructions for making a Lime Water Fruit Wash.

Step 1: Fill a large bowl with room temperature water.

Step 2: Squeeze in the juice of one lime into your bowl of water. Remove the seeds.

Step 3: Add in your fruits or vegetables and gently wash them with your hands. Remove any non-fruit debris floating at the top.

Step 4: Rinse with clean water twice.

Helpful Tip: It is natural to taste lime on your washed fruits. You can rinse with clean water a few more times for make the lime taste less noticeable. Personally, I do not mind.

All done!!! Your fruits are now clean and ready for eating or cooking. Let me know if you tried this lime fruits wash in the comments. You can find all my plant-based lifestyle tip here.

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