Home Garden Harvest 1

Home Garden Harvest 1

Here is what has been growing in the family home garden this year and what we have harvested so far. I hope this post inspires you to start your own home garden or continue growing and building your current garden.

I wrote up a short article in the special Summer Issue of the My Plant Base Plate Magazine. You can find that issue here. (coming out in August)

  1. Mint
mint drying

2. Carrots

fresh home grown carrots

3. Potatoes

basket of red potatoes

4. Beets

homegrown beets

5. Green Beans

    home garden green beans

    6. Zucchini

    baby zucchini home garden
    baby zucchini
    zucchini flower home garden

    Let me know in the comment what you are growing or would like to grow in your garden.

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