Sustainable/Eco-Friendly Uses For Brown Bags

Sustainable/Eco-Friendly Uses For Brown Bags

There are so many uses for brown bags. The humble lunch bag that many of us know so well has many sustainable and eco-friendly uses that just might surprise you. Here are a few eco-friendly uses for brown bags.

3 brown bags with a flower on top. eco-friendly use for brown bags

Sustainable Living Tip: Brown Bags

Brown Bags are essential in my kitchen. I always keep a nice thick stack in my kitchen cabinet.
I while ago I post on my stories that I use brown bags as a substitute for paper towels. You can still find that story here on my highlights under “greener tips”. I personally find that brown bags absorb the excess oil way better than paper towels while I fry cauliflower or plantain for example. Whenever I make fried foods I use an open, flattened brown bag instead of paper towels.

Bleached white paper towels contain bleach and chemicals that transfer when they come in contact with your food, especially when hot. These chemicals include Chlorine, Formaldehyde, and Bisphenol, which are dangerous chemicals that should come nowhere near food let alone your body. This does not even include the dye found in paper towels with colorful prints.

Even I am guilty of using paper towels. Therefore, I found that using brown bags when I can is more sustainable, eco-friendly, and more friendly to your health and your wallet.

Brown bags also come in handy as “container bags” if you will for snacks and food. I have used brown bags instead of plastic containers for popcorn, baked goods, or even sandwiches. You may have had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch in a brown lunch bag at school. 🙂 Brown bags as “container bags” are great for on-the-go food and are less clunkier than plastic containers.

Now it is time for me to learn from you. What do you use brown bags for in your household? Maybe it is not just limited to food or in the kitchen. Whatever it is I would love to know. Drop your answer in the comments below.

Thank you so much for being here and reading this post. You are sincerely appreciated. Until next time, keep growing.

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