What I Eat In A Day – (100% plant-based)

What I Eat In A Day – (100% plant-based)

Here is what I eat and drink in a day while living a 100% plant-based lifestyle. Every meal from breakfast to dinner is 100% plant-based. You will find that I use the word “lifestyle” instead of “diet” that is because for me, eating plant-based is living plant-based and that makes it a lifestyle. Not a diet.


Every morning on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday I start my day with a hot mug of Cocoa Tea. This is my version of “hot chocolate”. I use cocoa powder and roasted peanut milk along with spices. The special ingredient is Seamoss. If you have heard of seamoss you know that it is so good for the body. Seamoss contains 92 of the 100 minerals the body needs to function. A mug of this in the morning is absolutely delicious and healthy.


This is my go-to quick snack that doubles as breakfast. In the bowl, I have quick-cooking oats, various nuts and seeds, peanut butter, and blackstrap molasses. I really love this breakfast, it is so quick to put together, so filling, and very satisfying all while tasting absolutely delicious.

I like to leave the red skin on my peanuts. The skin actually helps to digest the protein-rich peanut. I honestly cannot taste the peanut skin, if anything it tastes like peanuts. 🙂

The recipe for my breakfast is coming soon. I am writing it up. Meanwhile, you can find all my other recipes here.

Lunch/ Dinner

This is my favorite meal for lunch. Stewed Red Beans with Linguine in homemade tomato sauce. I just love the combo of beans and pasta. We have this for lunch about once a week. You can see the carrots and kale in the red bean, as we always incorporate some type of vegetables. This way we can get in all the goodness vegetables contain.

One of the “disses” that you will find against a plant-based diet is that you cannot get any protein from eating solely a plant-based lifestyle. Well, you can find protein in plants because beans contain protein and beans comes from plants. Let me share with you some of the goodness that red beans contain.

  • Rich in Protein (according to the USDA 1 cup of cooked red beans contains 15 grams of protein or 28% of your recommended daily amount of protein)
  • Rich in Iron
  • Contains folate and magnesium. To name a few.

Which one of these meals would you like to try? Let me know in the comments below. If you haven’t already please subscribe to my mailing list and join the growing My Plant Base Plate community. You can also join the community on Instagram, Pinterest, & Facebook @myplantbaseplate and @mplantbaseplate on Twitter. Thank you so much for being here. Let’s grow together.

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