3 Ways to Process Panela

1. Grate

a black plate with a pile of grated panela

2. Break

A white plate with broken pieces of panela.
a glass container with broken panela pieces

3. Chop

chopped up panela on a clear cutting board

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    9 responses to “3 Ways to Process Panela”

    1. Empress J Avatar

      Panela is the only sweetener I use besides honey and Maple syrup. It is full of nutrients and has a caramel and molasses flavor that I absolutely love.

      1. myplantbaseplate Avatar

        Thank you so much for your comment.

    2. Empress J Avatar

      Panela is the only sweetener I use besides honey and Maple syrup. It is full of nutrients and has a caramel and molasses flavor that I absolutely love.

      1. myplantbaseplate Avatar

        Yes, Empress J I love the taste of Panela as well.

    3. Princess Avatar

      Yes,this is a healthier alternative to granulated sugar. Panela sugar is what my family and I use.. I know it as Jaggery. I personally prefer Golden Jaggery over the Brown Jaggery as it does not overly affect the taste of the final product.

      1. myplantbaseplate Avatar

        Princess, thank you for your informative comment. Yes, Jaggery is another name for Panela.

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