3 Spices To Spice Up Your Cooking

3 Spices To Spice Up Your Cooking

A pinch or two of ground dried spices is a great way to add a boost of flavor to your meals. Here are 3 spices that you can use to spice up your cooking. 1. Curry Powder Curry Powder is a blend of various ground continue reading

5 Sweeteners That Are Natural Sugars.

5 Sweeteners That Are Natural Sugars.

If you are looking for ways to sweeten your meals without using refined sugars, then try one of these 5 natural sugars. Number 5 might surprise you. Natural sugars are sugars that are found naturally within the food itself.  Foods that contain naturally occurring sugars continue reading

Homemade Paprika in 3 Easy Steps

Homemade Paprika in 3 Easy Steps

You can make your own homemade paprika in three easy steps. Do not worry, the dehydrator and the spice grinder do most of the work. Did you know that Paprika is made from finely ground dried sweet bell peppers? Honestly, I never knew that dried continue reading

All About Avocadoes –  Are They Good or Bad?

All About Avocadoes – Are They Good or Bad?

Let me start this off by saying that Avocadoes are good for you. They are not only delicious but also good for your health. What is Avocado? Avocado is a green fruit with a large pit and a yellow-like buttery inside. Depending on the breed continue reading

Chickpeas or Garbanzo Beans?

Chickpeas or Garbanzo Beans?

Chickpeas are widely used around the world. You will find chickpeas in many plant-based recipes, as they are an excellent source of protein and fiber. Here is an easy-to-read guide to chickpeas. What are Chickpeas? Chickpeas, also called garbanzo beans are part of the legume continue reading

3 Ways to Process Panela

3 Ways to Process Panela

Here is an informative post on 3 ways to process panela at home. This rock-hard unfined form of sugar is made from cane juice. Once you know how to process this solid form of sugar, incorporating panela into your daily lifestyle will be an absolute continue reading

4 Plant-Based Recipes to Serve At Your Next Family Gathering

4 Plant-Based Recipes to Serve At Your Next Family Gathering

Family gatherings are a great time to gather and serve delicious food. Here are four (4) plant-based recipes to serve at your next family gathering. These recipes are easy to prepare, versatile, and packed with flavor. All four of these plant-based recipes can be served continue reading

What is Panela?

What is Panela?

Panela is one of the latest crazes in the world of unrefined sugars. Even the New York Times has published articles on Panela. This rock-hard unrefined form of sugar made from cane juice is healthier than its refined counterpart, processed sugars such as white and continue reading

3 Protein Rich Plant-Based Foods

3 Protein Rich Plant-Based Foods

One of the biggest misconceptions of a plant-based lifestyle is that you cannot get enough protein with a 100% plant-based lifestyle. That claim is not true at all. Today I will share with you 3 plant-based foods that you can find plant-based protein. Before we continue reading

What is Popping with Papaya? – Whole-Food Guides

What is Popping with Papaya? – Whole-Food Guides

Papaya is a luscious tropical golden fruit that is packed with amazing health benefits inside and out. Papaya is a tropical fruit that is said to originate from Central America, Southern Mexico, and the Philippines. Carica papaya is papaya`s scientific name. Papaya is known for continue reading