Day 1: Plant-Based & Soy-Free January

Day 1: Plant-Based & Soy-Free January

Welcome to DAY 1 of Plant-Based & Soy-Free January. I am going to start off this challenge with my all-time favorite recipe from the blog – Avocado Pasta with Tahini and Green Onions.

Day 1: Plant-Based & Soy-Free January graphic

Here is the convenient ingredient/shopping list for you to make sure you have the ingredients on hand for today`s recipe.

Here is the link to today`s recipe.

Avocado Pasta with Tahini and Green Onions

Here is the link to a recipe to make your own tahini from brown sesame seeds.

​Brown Sesame Seed Tahini​

If you want to learn about the health benefits of Avocadoes, then read this helpful guide blog post.

All About Avocadoes – Are They Good or Bad

About the Plant-Based & Soy-free January Challenge.

Go through the month of January with 31 plant-based and soy-free recipes from the My Plant Base Plate blog.

Over the course of the next 31 days, I will be sharing with you daily plant-based and soy-free recipes from the blog. I welcome you to give plant-based and soy-free eating a try.

Whether you make 1, 5, or all 31 of these recipes, I sincerely appreciate you making the commitment to try something healthy and delicious.

Make sure you join the MPBP mailing list so you do not miss on a single day of the Plant-Based & Soy-free January Challenge.

If you are giving today`s recipe a try today, let me know in the comments. Please, take a minute and give today`s recipe a rating. I would greatly appreciate it.

1 day down, 30 more days to go!!! Check back here tomorrow for Plant-Based and Soy-free January Day 2 recipe. See you tomorrow!

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