I am diving in a little winter self-care in this post. Winter is not always the cheeriest this of the year for some (myself included). There is no shame is this. This is why I would like to share with you my idea of a Winter Gratitude Journal.
You can do this activity either daily or weekly, whatever works for you.
What are you grateful for this winter season?
Answer this question in as much detail as you can. It can be a little or small. ex) My favorite local coffee shop added a delicious seasonal winter drink to their menu, and I love it.
Write your favorite parts of the winter season. Whether it is baking, spending time with family, the snow, etc. Write it down. You may be surprised by what you have written down. There is beauty to be found in each season.
It is so important for us to be grateful in all situations and find the positive even in negative situations.
I have created a free pdf download for you. You can access it by clicking the button below.
Let me know if this Winter Gratitude Journal helps you this winter. Leave a comment below and share one way you are staying positive this winter. Let`s inspire and uplift each other. I’ll go first.
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